Friday, April 4, 2008

Here goes nothin'...

I have toyed with the idea of blogging for quite some time.  To add one more thing to my "bowl of cherries" seemed to be too much and I have dismissed the idea many times.  The other night I was franticly searching the internet to find an answer to one of my many diabetes questions and I came across a blog from a guy who had gone through what we were knee deep in.  His words were so encouraging and helpful that I figured if he could do that for me, maybe I could pass on the favor to some other mom (or dad) who might need a little strength every now and then.  I'm still not quite sure if this blog will be about diabetes or more about our life as we navigate through diabetes.  Either way, it should be enjoyable if not eventful!

I have been happily married for six years to a wonderful man (who I will refer to as Babe). Who would have thought six years would fly by so fast!  He keeps me sane and grounded, especially when life gets hectic and I get a little to wrapped up in it all.  Love him so much...

 My oldest daughter (we'll call her Little Lady), who will be three at the end of next month, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes just before her second birthday.  I was three months pregnant with our second baby at the time and had no idea how we would ever manage all that we had just been given.  We have just celebrated the one year mark since our diagnosis and I am pleased to say that diabetes does not run our life like I had initially thought.  We are managing diabetes with an Animas 2020 pump and we love it!  I'm not sure how we'll do it but I'm hoping to upgrade to a pink one soon.  We definitely have our high and low moments (literally) but we are making it and having fun along the way!

My youngest (Little Mama), and last, daughter is six months of pure joy!  I can not believe that God made something so wonderful.  Actually I can when I look around at His creations, but the crazy part is that He gave it to me.  She is the perfect balance to our young family and I love the moments when I can just sit and stare.

Well, to wrap up what has become a lengthy introduction I would like to say, "Hi, blogging world!"  I am hoping that this blog will be a place for me process my thoughts and share my joys and frustrations.  In other words, hopefully this will become a heaping helping of Sugar-Free Cherries for us all!

1 comment:

Leftend said...

I'm happy you made the leap - I'll be reading and keeping you honest! J/K.